Archive for the 'summer' Category


summertime ::.

summertime ::.
My heart’s dark but it’s risin’ / I’m pullin’ all the faith I can see / From that black hole on the horizon / I hear your voice calling me …Familiar faces around me / Laughter fills the air / Your loving grace surrounds me / Everybody’s here …
bruce springstein – mary`s place

Summertime, and the living is easy / Fish are jumpin’ and the cotton is high … / One of these morning’s, you’re gonna rise up singing / You’re gonna spread your wings and take to the sky…
george gershwin – summertime

Here it is the groove slightly transformed / Just a bit of a break from the norm / Just a little somethin’ to break the monotony / Of all that hardcore dance that has gotten to be / A little bit out of control it’s cool to dance / But what about the groove that soothes that moves romance / Give me a soft subtle mix / And if ain’t broke then don’t try to fix it / And think of the summers of the past / Adjust the base and let the alpine blast / Pop in my cd and let me run a rhyme / And put your car on cruise and lay back cause this is summertime…
the fresh prince – summertime

there’s something about summer days. it’s a time for things to happen. dreams dreamt in winter waiting to be given birth. the days are long but before i know it, it will be august. i will return to classes then. folks have been asking what will i be doing with my time off. i have a month. well i’ve made some plans. here’s a list.

i will …
– return to the new york summer conference a.k.a hofstra and serve as a small group leader
– then shortly after, go to habitat for humanity
– continue some home improvement on my mom’s house (paint walls, install some lights)
anybody wanna help?
– work on cmc2004 stuff. register now! the early bird is good to the end of the july.
– study poetry
– read literature from the meiji period
– try to brush up on hebrew
– watch some movies
– have many date nites with lauren
– clean out my basement and give away some clothes to charity
– remember what it is that i must do in life
– move forward on my knees

[american born chinese pastor]
seeks to be that third place for those who are american born chinese [abc] in ministry.
here we may explore issues unique to the chinese church and doing ministry in that context
expand the intersection of asian american culture and christian faith
or simply expose what goes on in the mind of this abcpastor

this may be a bit ambitious or even naiive but i do hope that through the posts we can bring together different faith communities, passions for the advancement of the Gospel and the equipping of the body of Christ.

if you are an abc pastor or have any suggestions or would like to contribute to make this space evolve, just comment.

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